Thursday, January 26, 2012

my first D.I.Y

Hi lovelies! The last few months I've really been struggling with horrible, horrible acne. I've always kind of struggled with breakouts, especially as a teenager, but lately it's been so out of control. So, I've been attacking my breakouts by getting on a regiment. Washing my face every morning and night (I sometimes get really lazy and skip washing my face at night, removing my make up...big NO-NO!). It also dawned at me that I hadn't cleaned my make up brushes since I bought them (eeeek!). That could be a big reason why my face hates me right now! I immediately went to youtube to try and find a D.I.Y bush cleaner...and I found one! I'm going to post it on here, but let me just say this video is not the best quality...and maybe sketchy for some, but I found the cleaner to really work.

Hopefully my skin gets better :)

xoxo, Annie